Methods For Improving Neural Networks


Deep neural networks are prone to overfitting. One method to combat this is dropout. Dropout is randomly ommiting nodes during the training process.

Implementation of dropout:

def dropout_forward(x, dropout_config, mode):
    Dropout feedforward
    :param x: input tensor with shape (N, D)
    :param dropout_config: (dict)
                           enabled: (bool) indicate whether dropout is used.
                           keep_prob: (float) retention rate, usually range from 0.5 to 1.
    :param mode: (string) "train" or "test"
    - out: a tensor with the same shape as x
    - cache: (train phase) cache a random dropout mask used in feedforward process
             (test phase) None
    keep_prob = dropout_config.get("keep_prob", 0.7)
    gone_prob = 1 - keep_prob

    out, cache = None, None
    if mode == "train":
        cache = np.ones(x.shape)
        num_cols = len(cache[0])
        off_cols = random.sample(range(0, num_cols), int(gone_prob*num_cols)+1)
        cache[:, off_cols] = 0
        out = x * cache
    elif mode == "test":
        out = x
        cache = None
    return out, cache

def dropout_backward(dout, cache):
    Dropout backward only for train phase.
    :param dout: a tensor with shape (N, D)
    :param cache: (tensor) mask, a tensor with the same shape as x
    :return: dx: the gradients transfering to the previous layer

    dx = cache * dout

    return dx

Batch Normalization

Reset the weights after each layer


During Training

While running
