
This is an overview



  • Throughput oriented cores

  • Single Instruction Multiple Data


  • Latency

  • Perform many different types of operations

  • Large caches

  • Branch prediction


Parallel programming work flow

  • Identify compute instensive parts of application

  • Optimize data arrangement to maximus locality

  • performance tuning

Software should be scalable and portable

Any algorithm complexity higher than linear is not data scalable

  • A sequential algorithm with linear data scalability can outperform a parallel algorithm with nlog(n) complexity

  • Parallelism cannot overcome complexity for large data sets

Load balance is important


Programming hierchy

Natural Language Algorithm High LEvel Language (C / C++) <— Compiler —-> Instruction Set (Contract between hardware and software) Microarchitecture Circuits Electrons

CUDA Overview

  • Kernel executed by a grid of threads.

  • All threads in a grid run the same kernel code (SPMD)

  • Each thread has an index that is uses to compute memory addresses and make control decisions

  • Threads within a thread block cooperate via shared memory atomic operations and barrier synchronization

  • Blockidx and threadidx simplifies memory addressing when processing multidimensional data


CUDA Continued

Host Code

  1. Allocate device memory

  2. Kernel launch code

  3. Copy result data


  • Allocates object in the device global memory

  • Take addresses of a pointer to the allocated object and size of allocated object in terms of bytes


  • Frees object from device glocal memory

  • Pointer to freed object


  • Memory data transfer

  • Requries four parameters

    • Pointer to destination

    • pointer to source

    • number of bytes coped

    • type / direction of transfer


CUDA Continued

Example vector addition kernel

__global__ void vector_addition(float* A_d, float* B_d, float* C_d, int n)
    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < n){
        C_d[i] = A_d[i] + B_d[i];

num_blocks = (len_vec // blocksize + 1) num_threads_per_block = blocksize

dim_block = (blocksize, 1, 1) dim_grid = (num_blocks, 1, 1) To run this, run {num_blocks} blocks of {num_threads_per_block} threads each

Cuda function declarations

Executed On

Only callable from the:

device float DeviceFunc()



global void KernelFunc()



host float HostFunc()




Multidimensional Kernel Configuration

  • Row Major layout in C/C++

    • To access i = row*width+col

Grid, block thread

  • A grid is a three dimensionall array of blocks

  • Each block is a three dimensional array of threads

Host code for launching a picture kernel

  • 16 threads per block

  • length of picture / block_size + 1 to make sure threads for all parts

// assume that the picture is size mxn,
// m pixels in y dimension and n pixels in x dimension
// input d_Pin has been allocated on and copied to device
// output d_Pout has been allocated on device
dim3 DimGrid ( (n-1) /16 + 1,
( (m-1) /16+1, 1);
dim3 DimBlock (16, 16, 1) ;
PictureKernel<<<DimGrid,DimBlock>>>(d Pin, d Pout, n, m) ;


Simple Square matrix multiplication

  • Each thread calculates one element of P

  • Each row of M is loaded width times from global memory

  • Each column is load width times from global memory

__global__ void matrix_mult_simple(float* A, float* B, float* P, int m, int n, int k)){
    // Matrix A is (m X n)  (m is height (num_rows), n is width (num_cols))
    // Matrix B is (n X k)  (n is height (num_rows), k is width (num_cols))
    // Return is (m X k)    (m is height (num_rows), k is width (num_cols))
    row_out = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    col_out = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    if ((row_out < m) & (col_out < k))
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < row_width; i++){
        sum += M[row_out*row_width_1 + i] * N[i*row_width_2 + col_out]
    P[row_out*k + col_out] = sum;

Started tiled matrix operation?


Instruction Level Parallelism:

  • 1st gen: instructions executed sequentially in program order

  • 2nd gen: Pipelined execution. Don’t wait until clothes are finished in dryer before starting next wash cycle

  • 3rd level: instructions executed in paralle. (Need to be independent)

  • 4th gen: multi threading. Same processor

  • 5th gen: multi core, multi processors

Von Neurmann Model with SIMD Units

memory ALU Reg etc

Warps as a scheduling Unit

  • Each block executed as 32 thread warps

  • Hardware imlementation decision. Not part of the cuda programing model

Question: If 3 blocks are assigned to a streaming multiprocesser and each block has 256 threads, how many warps are there in a streaming multiproccesor.

Answer: Each block is divided into 256/32 = 8 warps. There are 8*3=24 warps

All threads in a warp execute the same instruction

For matrix multiplication using multiple blocks.

  • 8x8 blocks for fermi:

    • 64 threads per block

    • Each SM can take up to 1536 threads

    • 1536 threads / 64 threads/block = 24 blocks

    • Each SM only takes 8 blocks, only 64*8=512 threads per block

  • 16x16 blocks for fermi:

    • 256 threads per block

    • Each SM can take up to 1536 threads

    • 1536 threads / 256 threads/block = 6 blocks

    • Each SM takes 6 blocks, only 256*6=1536 threads per block

  • 32x32 blocks for fermi:

    • 1024 threads per block

    • Each SM can take up to 1536 threads

    • 1536 threads / 1024 threads/block =~ 1 block

    • Each SM takes 1 blocks, only 1024 threads per block


Control divergence

Warps as scheduling units

  • Implementation decision. Not part of the CUDA programming model

  • Thread IDs within a warp are consecutive and increasing

  • If working across warps, can’t rely on any rdering. Need to use __syncthreads()

  • Need to keep track of control divergence within a warp

Example with divergence: if (threadIdx.x > 2)

  • Threads within a block have different paths

Example without divergence: if (blockDim.x > 2)

  • Branch granularity is a multiple of block size. Al threads in any given warp follow the same path


CUDA memory delay

  • Read/write per threads

    • Registers (~1 cycle) per-thread

    • Shared memory (~5 cycles) per-block

    • Global memory (~500 cycles) per-grid

  • Read only

    • Constant memory (~5 cycles with cache) per-grid

Variable declartion




int local_var;




__device__ __shared__ int shared_var; 




__device__ int global_var;




__device__ __constant__ int const_var;




Common programming strategy is to partition data into subsets or tiles that fit into shared memory. Use one thread block to handle each tile by - Loading the tile from global memory into shared memory. (Uses multiple threads bu only loaded once per block) - Perform operation with access to shared memory


Study on speed of traditional matrix multiplication without tiling

  • Two memory accesses (8 bytes) per floating point multiply add

  • 4 B /s of memory bandwith per FLOPS (floating point operations per section)

  • Peak floating point rate is 1000 G FLOPS

  • 4*1000 = 4000 GB/s required to achieve peak FLOP rating

  • Reality 150 GB/s limits the code at 37.5 GFlops


Tiled matrix multiply:

__global__ void tiled_mat_mul(float* A, float* B, float* C, w){

  // Define the __shared__ mem tiles
  // Tile width should be same 
  int row = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
  int col = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;

  for (int i=0; i < something; i++){

    __shared__ float load_tile_a[blockDim.y*i + threadIdx.y][blockDim.x];
    __shared__ float load_tile_b[blockDim.y][blockDim.x*i + threadIdx.x];

    load_tile_a[col][row] = A[col][row];
    load_tile_b[col][row] = B[col][row];


    // Perform the mat mult


2.6.HC.TiledMatrixMultiplicationKernel.20201007.pdf 2.7.HC.BoundaryConditionsInTiling.20201007.pdf 2.8.HC.BoundaryConditionsTilingKernel.20201007.pdf 3.1.HC.DramBandwidth.20201022.pdf 3.2.HC.MemoryCoalescing.20211028.pdf 3.3.HC.Convolution.20201008.pdf 3.4.HC.TiledConvolution.20201008.pdf

3.5.HC.TileBoundaryConditionKernel.20201008.pdf 3.6.HC.ConvolutionReuse.20191009.pdf 4.1.HC.Reduction.20201022.pdf 4.2.HC.ReductionKernel.20201022.pdf 4.3.HC.BetterReductionKernel.20201022.pdf 4.4.HC.ScanParallelPrefixSum.20201022.pdf 4.5.HC.WorkInefficientScanKernel.20201022.pdf 4.6.HC.WorkEfficientScanKernel.20201022.pdf 4.7.HC.MoreOnParallelScan.20191014.pdf 5.1.HC.Histogramming.20201028.pdf 5.2.HC.AtomicOperations.20201028.pdf 5.3.HC.AtomicOperationsInCUDA.20201028.pdf 5.4.HC.AtomicOperationPerformance.20201028.pdf 5.5.HC.PrivatizedHistogram.20201028.pdf 15.1.HC.FloatingPoint.20201029.pdf 15.2.HC.FloatingPointGPUs.20201029.pdf