Model Free RL

In most real world use cases we do not know the dynamics of the environment so we can’t use a model based reinforcement learning approach. Model free RL get’s around this by learning from episodes of experience.

Monte Carlo Learning

  • Learn from episodes of experience either directly with the environment or with a simulater

  • Update the value of states by average the total future reward of that state. By law of large numbers this should converge to the true value

  • You can focus Monte Carlo learning on a small subset of states rather than learning all possible states.

  • Advantage of Monte Carlo learning is that they may be less harmed by violations to the Markov property. They don’t bootstrap

Monte Carlo Control

  • You can start with even likilhood of all actions at each state

  • After running through episodes you can update your policy based on your estimate of future rewards for all states.

  • Maintaining sufficient exploration is an issue with Monte Carlo learning/control. If you follow a greedy policy you are not gaurunteed to explore all states.

\( V\left( s_{t}\right) \leftarrow V\left( s_{t}\right) +\dfrac{1}{N\left( s_{t}\right) }\left( G_{t}-V\left( s_{t}\right) \right) \)

On and Off Policy Control

  • Normally you are learning based on episodic experience from your own policy, and then iterating on that policy.

  • In many cases you may have data collected using some policy that wasn’t your own

  • Off policy control is using data from another policy to update your policy.

    • Importance Sampling: The samples are weighted by the ratio of the two policies choosing that action.

TD Learning

  • For TD learning we don’t perform a “Full Backup” on the data. We update the value of states only using the next state.


\[ Q\left( S,A\right) \leftarrow Q\left( S,A\right) +\alpha \left( R+\Upsilon Q\left( S',A'\right) -Q\left( S,A\right) \right) \]

Q Learning

\[ Q\left( S,A\right) \leftarrow Q\left( S,A\right) +\alpha \left( R+\Upsilon \max _{a\cdot }Q\left( S',A'\right) -Q\left( S,A\right) \right) \]