Block And Grid SizeΒΆ


Image is 255 by 255

if block_size is (24, 24, 1) and grid size is (1, 1, 1)

blockIdx.x: Stays at 0 blockIdx.y: Stays at 0 blockDim.x: Stays at 24 blockDim.y: Stays at 24 threadIdx.x: Goes from 0 to 23 threadIdx.y: Goes from 0 to 23

if block_size is (24, 24, 1) and grid size is (21, 21, 1)

blockIdx.x: Goes from 0 to 20 blockIdx.y: Goes from 0 to 20 blockDim.x: Stays at 24 blockDim.y: Stays at 24 threadIdx.x: Goes from 0 to 23 threadIdx.y: Goes from 0 to 23